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Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Logic-Based Argument About God :D

One time before I went to sleep, I wrote down this thing. This is how my brain works. Highly logical, highly emotional, and also a bit frazzled and absent-minded, it makes for a rather intense little life even when everything's very mellow! Lol oh me.

Okay, here's my argument/equation/whatever. :) If it makes no sense to you, that's ok - I know my brain is strange!

(a) A God exists who is loving, perfect, omniscient and omnipotent

If (a) A God exists who is loving, perfect, omniscient and omnipotent, then (b) that God knows what is best for us and acts accordingly.

(c) "What is best for us" includes the most effective ways to learn.

(d): The most effective way for us human beings to learn is by discovery, demonstration and applied practice.

If (a) and (b) and (c) and (d) are true, then (e) God would teach us using the principles of (d), allowing us to apply said principles according to our own judgment with (f) allowance made for specific spiritual guidance, direct commandments and intervention from God.

(g) Human judgment is fallible.

If (a) There is a God who is loving, perfect, omniscient and omnipotent, then (h) God has infallible judgment.

If (a) and (g) and (h) then (i) God would organize a means by which he could communicate and correct perceptions of his will toward man in both personal and public ways.

If (i), then (j) personal revelation and inspiration and (k) a Church with organized leaders (who have specified stewardship over different areas, etc) who teach and remind us of correct principles fulfill those means.

(l) For both personal and public revelation, worthiness (freedom from sin through repentance) affects a man’s ability to receive revelation.

(m) Leaders of such a Church are human.

Taking into account (g), (k), (l) and (m), it logically follows that (n) worthy leader/stewards of that Church receive revelation and direction from God.

(o) If (n), then (e) God would teach and direct them according to the most effective principles of learning (d) - discovery, demonstration and applied practice - with (f) allowance made for direct commandment and intervention.

(p) "For behold, it is not meet that I (God) should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant" (D&C 58:26, LDS scripture).

(q) If (n) and (o) and (p), Church leaders are required by God to apply what they are learning (d) using their judgment (g), which is fallible.

(r)The fact that, (l), worthiness aside, (m) Church leaders are human and (g) have fallible judgment does not conflict with (h) God's judgment being infallible and that (n) leaders receive revelation from God.

(s) It is an unsound argument to say that (t) God does not exist or (u) a Church is not true because (q) Church leaders (who are human) use their fallible judgment and sometimes oversights, misapprehensions and even misjudgments may occur. (r) supports (s).

(v) A fallible (g) but worthy leader of the Church who (k) has stewardship over his/her area and (n) receives revelation from a God with (h) infallible judgment teaches and makes judgments more inspired and reliable than the judgments and instruction of a man without the additional inspiration and revelation that comes with stewardship (n) who relies on his own fallible judgment (g).

Man with fallible judgment (g) learns best by exercising his judgment in conjunction with examples and principles from God (e) but still falls short of God's infallible judgment (h).

THEREFORE, if (a) there is a perfect God , and (k) He has established a Church on earth with (r) fallible but worthy leaders, man with fallible judgment (g) and without stewardship (k) cannot soundly judge their own ideas and understanding to be less fallible than principles established through the Church and its leaders.

Ta da!

Okay so this was a HUGE thought process, lol. Well actually, the thought was simple, but making sure to state it clearly and precisely and think it out as completely as possible was the huge part. Sometimes I wonder about going into law or contract-making or something, cuz I love this kind of jank.

Anyway, let me know your thoughts! Do you spot flaws or assumptions in my argument? Feedback plz! :D

I seem to be rather enjoying this blogging business...muaha.

Loves to all,



  1. Wow....that's a lot of logic, but seems pretty sound to me :)

    "A fallible but worthy leader of the Church who has stewardship over his/her area and receives revelation from a God with infallible judgment teaches and makes judgments more inspired and reliable than the judgments and instruction of a man without the additional inspiration and revelation that comes with stewardship who relies on his own fallible judgment." I never thought of it quite that way before, but it makes so much sense.........thus the whole "setting apart" thing and why, even if a leader doesn't give a perfect talk or teach a perfect lesson, we still come away with more questions than answers as long as the teacher is striving to worthily follow that inspiration given :)

  2. Lol it's a crazy-long and weird sentence, but yay! I'm glad it got you thinking! =D

  3. (w) such a church does not stand or fall based on the fallibility of its leaders or members. (Any group judged such a way would fail inspection.)

    (x) everything (including the calling of a difficult, hurtful person to a position of authority in the Church and the trials and judgments good people face) has a more divine and far-reaching purpose than we are capable of seeing with our limited mindsets.

    (y) in light of (x) it's important to remember that what hurts us in the moment may be helping someone else who needs that help more than we need to not be hurt.

    (z) Christ's atonement shows the way for us to survive (y) and gives us the opportunity to be held and supported through said hurt.
