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Friday, July 22, 2011

In Other News

I love to sing. Like many other people, I'm sure, I often get all "my voice isn't that great"-feeling and, ridiculously, let those feelings prevent me from singing as freely as I would like, even to myself. What silliness!

Anyway, I've been wondering for a while what type of music suits me best - the style I like to sing and the music I most enjoy. I grew up on musicals, I love pop, rock, golden oldies, classical and Celtic music, and pretty much any choir music. Until recently, I considered myself a "floater" with no particular "home" in any genre. BUT ALL THAT HAS CHANGED! Jim & Judy Gwilliam's 50th Anniversary Bash + my Michael Bublé Pandora station + seeing Casey Abrams perform jazz live has brought me to the realization that classic jazz standards are where my heart (and vocal cords...?) truly lies! (lie!) Hoorah for that.

Also. I am in a mood lately. I'm going to call it my GO FOR IT mood. I'm just in the mood to GO FOR IT. That is all.

By the way, all - I am constantly having ideas for blog posts. I guess my default "think" setting is to frame my thoughts as if I'm going to write and present them, even tho I usually never do. So! I have come up with blog titles for my various thoughts, and you can choose my next blog:

In Response to Twilight: My Kind of Man
Proof I Am A Loser (but not the kind you think)
Pondering the Principle of Sacrifice vs. Living Up to Your Privileges
The Adventures of Lauren and Lindsay: American Idols Concert & our Overnight Trip to OKC!
Jaff, Son of Jezsik: the Boy Who's Lived in my Head for 10 Years
Reinvented Fairy Tales: my Big Bag of Story Concepts
Random Things I'd Like to Write Papers About

So there. Choose as you like. I may or may not be inspired differently, but I'm pretty sure I'll be happy to go with whatever you choose (since I've mentally composed/outlined each one already).

Farewell, all!

1 comment:

  1. You know.....I never really thought of it, but the jazzy thing fits you :D

    As far as ideas....they all sound good. I'd really like to see the Twilight one, and jaff (I think I read something about him once?) and the loser thing (because being a good loser is quite the anomaly, I'll admit ;) ) And your adventure at the AI there's my two cents. Loves!
