You all know that I'm in an intense Regency / Jane Austen mood. But now, swelling in power and force, my great love for Lord of the Rings / Tolkien in general has returned! It's a good thing I found my History of Middle-Earth collection...and that Mama&Papa just got the extended LotR on blu-ray!!!
Also, my copy of The Two Towers is still missing, but turns out the whole trilogy is available as a free app on my phone.
Which reminds me! I have a new phone! 'Tis exciting. Oh yes, and Kim Rice is my new roommate! She's made of all sorts of awesomeness. I loved living with Lindsay, but Kim has been so fun. The Lord was definitely involved in that arrangement working out!
Anyway. Back to Regency. I'm making a dress in the style of Jane Austen times. I just finished the toile / mock-up, and it's a good thing I got all my impatience & corner-cutting out of my system before using the pretty fabric! Here's a pic (during which I'm blinking):

Well, I hope I just inserted a picture...I've never used the Blogger app before.
It's got lazy stitching (if stitching it can be called), a backwards sleeve, an incorrectly cut skirt panel and an inside-out neckline, but voilá! It doesn't fit correctly without the proper undergarments, but they're up next. Also, I'd like to see if I can modify the pattern to fit in a modern "summer dress" kind of way, if I mess with the skirt options and other areas' fit and such.
Anyway, that's all for "Lord of the Regency"! I may or may not write another post after this one. (actuallyIalreadywrotemorebeforerealizingitwasentirelytangentialtothesubjectofthispostsoI'mpostingotseparately...shhh!)