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Friday, October 7, 2011

A poem

Put this together a couple months ago and wanted to share. :) so many of my poems, haha! Let's call it No. 7. I think I'll share 1-6 too, but not all at once. Each is to be considered on its own. And now, no further delay...!

No. 7

The simple shape so often used to represent a heart
Can never really be enough for me.
Just a curve around the clock
Continued with a slant, a slide from right to left
That pivots, slants and curves again, to end where it began.
In cookies, cards, letters and art, ev'ry valentine,
In fresh leaves full and dead leaves fallen, in swans' necks or two tears,
Or even in my hands, held to meet at thumbs' and fingers' tips.
The heart is omnipresent, really.
I think it's sweet, the plain conjunction of these lines and curves.
But the heart that pumps my blood with valves and veins is tired.
Too tired to see the endless possibilities contained and permutated
In the shape where something sharp as "V" can, with steady arms,
Lift yet cradle, support and adore a small, soft and resting three.